Crammers in England and Wales

Crammers first appeared in Britain after 1855 when the Civil Service Commission created the Administrative class of government employees, selected by examination and interview rather than patronage . Crammers offered to prepare men of 18 to 25 years old , mainly in classics, economics and foreign languages , for success in these examinations and entry to civil service or diplomatic careers. Terence Rattigan’s 1936 play French Without Tears is set in a language crammer typical of the period. These civil service crammers did not survive the Second World War. Crammers in England and Wales today are almost entirely concerned with preparing teenagers for A-level and GCSE exams, to improve their examination results and get admission to university . Some are residential ; few if any have sports facilities . All are expensive , compared even to prestigious public schools such as Winchester and Eton, which also provide many extra-curricular activities. The English cram school, on the other hand, achieves results through focus on academic work . (source Wikipedia)

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